house with two people

St Augustine

Blue hour with lights

Christmas Lights

We continue our tradition of non-traditional Thanksgiving celebrations. Florida makes a great getaway from the grey days of late fall in Virginia. The weather is still warm, the sun is bright, and the sunsets take ages. We chose St Augustine to visit. On the Atlantic, it’s basically the oldest city in the United States. Each night we got out for a stroll as the sun set. The town is decorated at this time in November to celebrate Christmas. The town lights add to the glow as the sun sets to the west.

Flagler College

Flagler College

Flagler College forms one of the pillars of the community, making this old Spanish town a college town too. The grounds and main building of the college was converted from a Gilded era hotel. Lots of expansive, yet cloistered rooms give the place a feeling of grandness. The many details in wood and stone contribute to the elegance.

Peace Pie


Joy and I wander around our vacation spot for dinner. Sometimes we’ve heard of places to eat. Often we ask our host, the owner of a B&B or the hotel clerk, to point us to a favorite place. We found an English pub, a Spanish creole mainstay with great shrimp and grits, and a little shop with ice cream and cookies.





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